【Postcrossing】- In # 0055-0059 USA/ Japan/ Netherlands/ Russia/ Finland


Distance: 12,398 km (7,704 miles)
Travel time: 27 days

哎呀,  因為明信片越飛越多, 只好只好, 懶惰的變成5張一紀錄 :)

這個樹長的很有個性耶! 她的標題就叫作「凸柏樹」,十分淺顯易懂吼!這樣的樹在台灣好難得看的到,台灣的樹總是綠油油的呀!

好喜歡 Barbrara 貼在明信片的照片們, 本身就好像一個故事唷!不過硬湊起來就還蠻詭異的...(裸奔男子最愛的事就是在下午4點40分, 在大峽谷裸奔完畢後來盃愉快的下午茶....喂 [大誤]]]

This tree is so stylish, and so does its name - Bald Cypress, which is easy to understand. It is really hard to see this kind of view in Taiwan, the trees here in Taiwan usually green due to tropical weather.
I especially likes different kind of stamps on the postcard, the combination of these colorful stamps could be an interesting story itself!! I am leaving imagination up to you , ha.


Distance: 2,114 km (1,314 miles)
Travel time: 6 days

其實我是個不喝咖啡的人, 我是茶癮者。不過每次看到咖啡相關的明信片或咖啡店佈置都會恢復小女孩的興奮,太有氣氛了不是。


In fact, I am a person that do not drink coffee at all (I am a tea lover). But, I am really enjoy decoration of coffee shop or something related to coffee. Those are usually well-design and adorable.

Kazumi has been waiting for spring to come, so am I. It is not normal for Taiwan to have such a cold weather in the meddle of March. These two stamp well described our feeling, Spring come come come!

Distance: 9,469 km (5,884 miles)
Travel time: 11 days

說實在, 這幅畫超級日本風的,完完全全的亞洲風,沒有想到居然是從荷蘭寄過來的,大驚喜。

至於這張郵票,是Postcrossing 和 荷蘭郵政 一同發行的郵票,看完報導後,身為Postcrossing重病患者,的整個被燒的體無完膚,太有紀念價值了! 還拉著大家一起大敗家,凹屋~

The postcard is full of Japanese style, you would have thought that this card most be come from Asia area. In fact, it is comes from Netherlands.

Regarding to this stamp, which makes me totally insane about it after reading the introduction. It is a stone mile of Postcrossing, how can I miss it! Definately worth keeping as a memory. Nice one!


Distance: 7,693 km (4,780 miles)
Travel time: 45 days


Two pint of cold beer, a dish of fruit, plus a cream, that will become a fantasy in the hot sweat summer.
Stamps are the classic animal series, but it is the first time for me to see them all! So cool!

Distance: 8,103 km (5,035 miles)
Travel time: 15 days

看到這張片,整個心都暖了起來。:) 大象夫婦們也太可愛,是那種會忍不住發出羨慕的~喔..真甜蜜的那種,很喜歡這句平實卻又意義非凡的話,不管是對親人、朋友或是情人,這些人的信任,成就成長的動力,因為愛,讓世界越來越美好!♥


I felt very warn when seeing this sentence. :) These cute lovely elephant couple are so sweet that make people envy them. The sentence is so simple but meaningful. The love from family, friends and lovers is always one's powerful support. With love, we grow together. With love, it become a better world. ♥

