【Postcrossing】- In # 0090-0094 Belgium/ Korea/ USA/ Netherlands/ Belarus

Distance: 9,594 km (5,961 miles)
Travel time: 15 days
在海洋裡開心戲水的海豚, 一切看起來平靜又舒服, 似乎真像Anlette所說的充滿魔力, 工作煩悶, 沒了!! :)
Three lovely dolphins in the blue sea, it makes me feel peace and love. Just like Ablette said in the card that this one is a magic card, it certainly makes make feel relax after a long working day!! 
Distance: 1,480 km (920 miles)
Travel time: 12 days
好久沒收到來自韓國的信耶! 話說, 這是第一次看到這種電子郵戳式的郵票, 沒見到郵票先生, 似乎少了點樂趣 QQ
It has been a while not recieved a postcard from Korea! Also, it is a first time to has this eletronic post mark in the postcard.  However, I still like the traiditional stamp more than eletrnoic one. QQ"

Distance: 10,383 km (6,452 miles)
Travel time: 19 days
收到這張頗具意義的卡,好開心,最特別的是Kandi 居然認識海餅乾的後代, 真是太酷了!!
之前就讀關於「海餅乾」的相關文章, 在不景氣的年代中, 不起眼的參賽者外加不具看好的馬匹, 創造了令人振奮的佳績。年初的「林來瘋」, 也曾用相同的觀點來解釋熱潮的緣由,真該找個時間好好的將這部好片給挖出來觀賞觀賞 :)
It was so glad to get this meaningful card, especailly to know that Kandi knows the descendents of Seabiscuit.
I had read some article about Seabiscuit at the begining of this year. At that time, I was curious about this story because it was used to explain the phenomenon of Linsainity. It is a story about three men and one horse that was initially never thought to win the game, but they eventully created a magical result which inspires people. Perhaps I should find out and watch this classic film next time. :)

Distance: 9,525 km (5,919 miles)
Travel time: 20 days
來自荷蘭的問候, 這讓我想到明天可能成行的荷蘭行, oh yeah, 希望能夠成真!
Greeting from Netherlands!! It reminds me that I will have a vocation to Netherland next year, oh yeah~Looking forward about it.

Distance: 8,041 km (4,996 miles)
Travel time: 14 days
喔! 這是我最懷念的歐洲小屋,沒有恨天高的樓房,還可以看見天空,舒適的環境,緩慢的生活步調,哪有比這更棒的生活!?
Oh, that's the cute Enroupean style house I missed. With few floors that barely cover the blus sky, comfortable environment, relax living style, what a wonderful life!


【Postcrossing】- In # 0085-0089 Romania/ Russia/ Russia/ Czech Republic/ Belarus

Distance: 8,390 km (5,213 miles)
Travel time: 27 days

蛋雕這藝術, 是Tania 跟我說, 我才曉得, 原來是東歐國家中重要的傳統藝術品
LUCIA CONDREA 是Marius 的好朋友
收到信的時候, 看的都癡了, 好精細的刻痕

Distance: 9,531 km (5,922 miles)
Travel time: 10 days
LIEBE Gratis = Love for free!
Jaquie 的可愛卡片佐上手繪簡單小太陽
點亮了我的一天好心情 :)

Distance: 4,580 km (2,846 miles)
Travel time: 24 days

開始上班以後, 旅遊似乎成不只成為嗜好
好像就要我好好努力工作存夠了錢, 有機會一定要出去走走
YES! Let's dreaming!

Distance: 9,035 km (5,614 miles)
Travel time: 10 days
幕夏一直是我很欣賞的畫家, 出生自捷克
在他成名賺大錢了之後, 毫不猶豫的, 將自己貢獻給國家
不管是錢財, 或是自己的能力,  這幅畫就是他晚年替市政廳所作的巨幅畫作
另外, Jana 貼的這些郵票實在太美!!!甚至右邊老爺爺的郵票是1938年發行的!!
沒有收集郵票的我, 都覺得珍貴(感動)

Distance: 8,041 km (4,996 miles)
Travel time: 32 days
明思科的草地, 看起來好有學術氣息
不知道是不是也有可愛兔子穿梭其中呢? :)

【Postcrossing】- In # 0080-0084 China/ Russia/ USA/ Lithuania/ Germany

Distance: 1,268 km (788 miles)
Travel time: 13 days

這招來自中國的明信片, 超有意境的!!
好像, 可以感覺到划著小船, 些許微風, 蕩漾在湖面的
Distance: 4,561 km (2,834 miles)
Travel time: 17 days
居住在小島的人, 心中是什麼感受呢?
是自成自己的小世界, 還是嚮往著大陸呢?
Sozopol 小島顏色一致的小屋, 似乎再說著自己特有的性格咧
Distance: 12,454 km (7,739 miles)
Travel time: 29 days
這黑白照讓想到威尼斯(雖然沒有去過...XD), 總覺得這樣的場景
只會在電影中出現, 錯綜複雜的水上城市
是不是裡頭又藏有什麼暗道, 等著人去發掘寶藏呢!! :P

Distance: 8,343 km (5,184 miles)
Travel time: 13 days

1929年, 拉脫維亞的古城 Baznycios 的實景,
原來, 那個時候就已經有電線了耶!
特別的是這隻栩栩如生的大紅蜘蛛, 第一次覺得這種毛茸茸的動物也有她獨特的美感。

Distance: 9,447 km (5,870 miles)
Travel time: 9 days

美麗花朵來自於未來將要成為教師的Jessica , 上面的水珠清晰可見, 就好像真的依樣耶!


【Postcrossing】- In # 0075-0079 Canada/ Germany/ Indonesia/ Ukraine

我回來了 :)

Distance: 12,110 km (7,525 miles)
Travel time: 12 days

是的!我從來沒想過會過會透過國外明信片來了解中國文化,這張來自加拿大的明信片,讓我大吃一驚!必須說,整個明信片珍是超有質感的! 這是一張郵票直接印刷上由加拿大遊局印製的明信片,不知道是不是購買的時候就直接付費的緣故,郵差先生居然沒有印上郵戳,讓明信片像是自己作任意門過來似的~

Yes, I never thought that I would have a chance to know more Chinese culture by others countries, this postcard from Canada really amazed me. I like the design of both postcard ans stamp, it match with each other so well. But, it is a pity that it does not show any post mark on it. It seems like that postcard went to my apartment by itself.


【Postcrossing】- In # 0070-0074 Netherlands/ Finland/ Japan/ Belarus/ Russia

Distance: 9,564 km (5,943 miles)
Travel time: 11 days


When I saw this postcard, it was summer times that first came out to my mind. Rebesse is the city located in southwest of Netherlands, where is fanous for its beach side. It also provides a special service called zero-fare bus, which means that you dont have to pay bus ticket here, cool!


【Postcrossing】- In # 0065-0069 Ukraine/ Poland/ Russia/ Russia/ United Kingdom

Distance: 8,421 km (5,233 miles)
Travel time: 16 days

多麼開心可以分享一個人的夢想,Kate 在巴里島上的白色夢想,真是太有趣了!

最後,我真的喜歡這張看起來有個性,似乎令人想跳脫平常的生活,來場冒險  :)

It is so great that I have this opportunity of sharing someone's dream, Kate's white dream in Bali sounds amazing! I wish to live in a place where around by green trees and plants in the future. I can walk around casually without a destination everyday I wake up. This card seems to has some power that makes me wondering to break the rule of normal life and have an adventure.


【Postcrossing】- In # 0060-0064 Belarus/ USA/ Finland/ Germany/ Netherlands

Distance: 8,353 km (5,190 miles)
Travel time: 23 days

來自白俄羅斯(Belarus)的明信片, 上面的人們看起來好開心, 不知道是什麼樣的特殊節慶呢!?
從郵票還有卡片看起來, 白俄羅斯似乎是個綠油油好地方 :)

This postcard comes from Belarus, the people are very happy on the special ceremony on the postcard. I wonder what it this traditional occasion celebrate for. It seems that Belarus is a place with happy people and nature from the stamp and card. :)