【Postcrossing】- In # 0065-0069 Ukraine/ Poland/ Russia/ Russia/ United Kingdom

Distance: 8,421 km (5,233 miles)
Travel time: 16 days

多麼開心可以分享一個人的夢想,Kate 在巴里島上的白色夢想,真是太有趣了!

最後,我真的喜歡這張看起來有個性,似乎令人想跳脫平常的生活,來場冒險  :)

It is so great that I have this opportunity of sharing someone's dream, Kate's white dream in Bali sounds amazing! I wish to live in a place where around by green trees and plants in the future. I can walk around casually without a destination everyday I wake up. This card seems to has some power that makes me wondering to break the rule of normal life and have an adventure.

Distance: 8,819 km (5,480 miles)
Travel time: 16 days

哇, 這是近期看過最工整的郵戳了,一定要給這個波蘭的郵差杯杯個讚!看起來就是舒服。

這張看起來歷史悠久的建築,讓我對它很有興趣 (我就是喜歡老東西麻)。原來他是Wroclaw這個城市的市政廳 (City Hall),其他位在城市裡的建築也好美 ♥

Wow, this is the most completed post mark I had recently, thanks for careful Polish postman. :)

This old building located in a western city- Wroclaw, and it is a representative building of the city (City Hall). I also found others buildings on the website, seems Wroclaw is a good place to visit. ♥

Distance: 7,252 km (4,506 miles)
Travel time: 16 days

現在可是最餓的下午時刻耶,看到這個就真的餓了。是說,從來沒有想過,原來蛋餅可以搭配魚子醬,感覺也太特別了!還附加了俄文教學,蛋餅叫做 blini,魚子醬叫做 ikra 另外,謝謝Olga的生日祝福 ,收到收到了 :)


It is 3 pm on the afternoon, and I am really hungry after seeing this postcard right now....I never thought of matching pancakes with caviar before, that's really special. Also, it is time for Russian, pancake= blini, caviar=ikra, I use Google translation, and it turn out to be two cute sound. BTW, thank you for your birthday greeting, I got it :)

I have this bear stamp very often, but still love it. ha

Distance: 7,693 km (4,780 miles)
Travel time: 23 days

還有,謝謝Raksnan,好久沒有聽人說我可愛,唉呀~真是害羞>/////< 妳也很可愛呀呀!

I thought myself get a postcard from Egypt before I saw the "St Peterburg" on the right corner. I did not  find  more information about it, but there are a series photo of fantastic cityscape.
Besides, thank you Raksnan for your kind praise, you are very cuuuuute as well.

Distance: 9,903 km (6,153 miles)
Travel time: 21 days

這張卡片很特別喔,畫家David Hockney  可是利用IPAD來作畫的,今年還在英國皇家藝術學院展出的個人畫展: A bigger Picture. 組合一幅幅小幅畫,就變成了一幅大畫,跟展覽主題還真搭!

希望Serene身體能夠快快好喔,幫妳祈禱 :)

This card is really special that was painted by IPAD, is one of David Hockney's work. It has been presented This painting was on display of DH personal exhibition at Royal Academic of Art: A bigger Picture. A small piece of paintings combine together into a bigger one, really interesting!

Especially wish Serene to have a good health soon, finger crossed for you. :)

