【Postcrossing】- In # 0090-0094 Belgium/ Korea/ USA/ Netherlands/ Belarus

Distance: 9,594 km (5,961 miles)
Travel time: 15 days
在海洋裡開心戲水的海豚, 一切看起來平靜又舒服, 似乎真像Anlette所說的充滿魔力, 工作煩悶, 沒了!! :)
Three lovely dolphins in the blue sea, it makes me feel peace and love. Just like Ablette said in the card that this one is a magic card, it certainly makes make feel relax after a long working day!! 
Distance: 1,480 km (920 miles)
Travel time: 12 days
好久沒收到來自韓國的信耶! 話說, 這是第一次看到這種電子郵戳式的郵票, 沒見到郵票先生, 似乎少了點樂趣 QQ
It has been a while not recieved a postcard from Korea! Also, it is a first time to has this eletronic post mark in the postcard.  However, I still like the traiditional stamp more than eletrnoic one. QQ"

Distance: 10,383 km (6,452 miles)
Travel time: 19 days
收到這張頗具意義的卡,好開心,最特別的是Kandi 居然認識海餅乾的後代, 真是太酷了!!
之前就讀關於「海餅乾」的相關文章, 在不景氣的年代中, 不起眼的參賽者外加不具看好的馬匹, 創造了令人振奮的佳績。年初的「林來瘋」, 也曾用相同的觀點來解釋熱潮的緣由,真該找個時間好好的將這部好片給挖出來觀賞觀賞 :)
It was so glad to get this meaningful card, especailly to know that Kandi knows the descendents of Seabiscuit.
I had read some article about Seabiscuit at the begining of this year. At that time, I was curious about this story because it was used to explain the phenomenon of Linsainity. It is a story about three men and one horse that was initially never thought to win the game, but they eventully created a magical result which inspires people. Perhaps I should find out and watch this classic film next time. :)

Distance: 9,525 km (5,919 miles)
Travel time: 20 days
來自荷蘭的問候, 這讓我想到明天可能成行的荷蘭行, oh yeah, 希望能夠成真!
Greeting from Netherlands!! It reminds me that I will have a vocation to Netherland next year, oh yeah~Looking forward about it.

Distance: 8,041 km (4,996 miles)
Travel time: 14 days
喔! 這是我最懷念的歐洲小屋,沒有恨天高的樓房,還可以看見天空,舒適的環境,緩慢的生活步調,哪有比這更棒的生活!?
Oh, that's the cute Enroupean style house I missed. With few floors that barely cover the blus sky, comfortable environment, relax living style, what a wonderful life!

